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Queen of three graces on the move!

Queen of three graces on the move!

Dear State Team Members and invited guests, once more welcome to our Confidentia Shrine!

This is a very special year since our Shrine was nominated to be a “HOLY DOOR OF MERCY”. We are happy for each group that comes to the Shrine and is able to receive the Plenary Indulgence. 

It is special too because we are on our Crowning Path.  As we know since last year at the end of our June convention in 2015, the crowning path was opened. As Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign in the USA and Canada, we are spiritually moving across the different states from West to East: Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, stopping in Florida, Ohio, even New York, ending in Wisconsin.

Why do we do this spiritual Crowning Path?  

After the centennial celebrations in the year 2014, and all the blessings received, we feel compelled to crown the Blessed Mother.

We want to crown her in thanksgiving, for all graces and blessings she has bestowed upon her Schoenstatt Work and on each individual person consecrated to her during the past hundred years.

As members of the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign State Team, we have experienced countless graces of inner transformation in families, and individuals.  

Each visit the Blessed Mother has done is different, she bestows her graces according to the needs of the people. Sometimes some members in a family are indifferent at the beginning of her visit, but after some time they open themselves for her love and care.

Through the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign, we have seen how she visits the people working the same miracles as she did on her visit to her cousin Elizabeth.

The Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign groups have experienced the grace of home; they feel accepted by her motherly care. They get closer to God and receive again the sacraments.

Through the Rosary Campaign the grace of mission zeal has reached enormous length, but above all it has used us as her instruments, to build up the Marian Kingdom of the Father here on earth.  Therefore we are grateful, and we first as STATE TEAM MEMBERS want to crown during this weekend our Auxiliary Pilgrim Shrines as:

“Queen of the three graces on the move”

And with this crowning we prepare her crowning with all our people. We want to crown her in our dioceses, parishes, groups, homes.  Each image of the Pilgrim Mother should be crowned on October 22 or 23 this year 2016.  No image of the Pilgrim Mother should be left uncrowned. We want to take this responsibility with us.  So this weekend we prepare ourselves for the upcoming crowning.  She is the great missionary.  She will work miracles!

We are conscious of our responsibility to be her missionaries in our areas and states, to spread love for her and her Son, and make many people aware of the three graces from the Shrine.  We want to crown, as Nation and spiritually united with Canada as:

“Queen of the three graces on the move”

Each altar where we place the Pilgrim Mother be it in our homes, parishes, schools, nursing homes or places of work is the throne from where the MTA wants to bend down to us as Queen and Mother and in her love extend to everyone her three graces from the Shrine.

We are her instruments, who make this possible!

As we go through our Crowning Path, we will pray to our Mother and Queen, that she grants us the grace to be always her willing   instruments in leading others into her heart as children so they receive: the grace of being at home; to lead others to a greater openness for education of our Mother and Queen: the grace of inner transformation; and to make others aware of their missionary character through a more intentional apostolate with the Pilgrim Mother: the grace of apostolic fruitfulness.


Practically we continue offering each Rosary and each apostolic deed as our conscious contribution for her crowning.

And we continue with our groups, marking our Crowning Path, from the Tabor Shrine till we reach the Shrine in Milwaukee. The distance is 5,474 miles. The Rosary is our transportation.  Every 15 Rosaries prayed, moves us together with John Pozzobon 250 miles to our destination: The International Shrine in Milwaukee.  Why 15 rosaries? Because John Pozzobon used to pray before he died 15 rosaries every day! So in union with him we walk to the International Shrine in Milwaukee.

There is a tool that could help us to deepen the three graces. The booklet

“Three Days of Mercy with the Mother Thrice Admirable Queen, and Victress of Schoenstatt.

We have them in Spanish and English.

So let us go Ablaze with the fire of Pentecost. We want to deepen and to share the fruits of the Exile Legacy and to extend the mission of the Rosary Campaign, growing in love, unity and sanctity in our daily life.

Here we have a poster of: OUR CROWNING PATH, please make one it helps. This Idea I took from in San Antonio, I saw it and I was inspired.  I think it is very good. We can help each other by sharing ideas and let ourselves be complemented and enriched by the others.

Again, ablaze with the fire of Pentecost,

“With Mary, we go, a new Pentecost for our times!”


Sr. M. Gloria Mauricio

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